Kim Kardashian W Magazine Pics

Kim Kardashian W Magazine Pics

Kim Kardashian has appeared almost nude in a new photo shoot for W Magazine. The ‘almost’ part is because she has a thin layer of silver paint covering her body but that’s about it. The pics are pretty raw and really highlight Kardashian curves.

Kardashian is still in New York shooting scenes for “Kourtney and Kim Take New York.” so apparently the W Magazine Photos were taken a few weeks ago. The W photos were taken by Mark Seliger, and the article was authored by Lynn Hirschberg, who notes that Kim can’t sing, or dance and has no other discernible talent. But who needs talent when you have curves like that?

From Kardashian’s success in the business world you could say her greatest talent is being able to create a desireable brand (Kim Kardashian) and using it to make ‘a lot’ of money. Kim has a house worth a few million dollars already!

The photos have gone viral on the Internet, with thousands of people want to check out those full breasts and ample booty. Enjoy!

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