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Archive for the ‘Kim Kardashian Tapes’ Category

Kim Kardashian – Birthday Party – Jet at the Mirage – Las Vegas – 10-26-07

Kim Kardashian - Birthday Party - Jet at the Mirage - Las Vegas - 10-26-07

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Tags: , , Live w/ Ray J // Part

Sep 24, 2007 Author: admin | Filed under: Kim Kardashian Tapes

Ok People you’ve been hearing about the video tape, now you can hear Ray J Answer all the Questions, For more info go to

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Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Live w/ Ray J // Part

Sep 24, 2007 Author: admin | Filed under: Kim Kardashian Tapes

Ok People you’ve been hearing about the video tape, now you can hear Ray J Answer all the Questions, For more info go to

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Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Live w/ Ray J // Final

Sep 24, 2007 Author: admin | Filed under: Kim Kardashian Tapes

Ok People you’ve been hearing about the video tape, now you can hear Ray J Answer all the Questions, For more info go to

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Kim Kardashian & Nick Cannon

Aug 18, 2007 Author: admin | Filed under: Kim Kardashian Tapes

A nice video about Kim Kardashian. Not her tape but it’s hot too. Video about Kim and Nick

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Ray-J Gets a Lil’ Lil’ Kim

Feb 26, 2007 Author: admin | Filed under: Kim Kardashian Tapes

Looks like Ray-J won’t be adding Whitney Houston to his Kim Kardashian sex tape library — he’s already moved on to Lil’ Kim!

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Nick Nixes Sex Tape

Feb 12, 2007 Author: admin | Filed under: Kim Kardashian Tapes

Nick Cannon says there’s no sex tape of him out there and adds he hasn’t seen the sex tape of his ex-girlfriend, Kim Kardashian.

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Kim Golden Without Shower

Feb 9, 2007 Author: admin | Filed under: Kim Kardashian Tapes

TMZ has obtained an exclusive clip of the Kim Kardashian sex tape, and has learned that the infamous “water sports” scene will not be part of the final version.

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Apr 6, 2006 Author: admin | Filed under: Kim Kardashian Tapes



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